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Misusing tSQLt: test that table data is correct (dims or reference data)

The following tSQLt test checks the unchanging (or very slowly-changing) data in a dimension or reference table to ensure that it has not been changed unexpectedly as part of the data warehouse update:

CREATE PROCEDURE testSchema.[test that TableName data is correct]

    IF OBJECT_ID('actual') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE actual;
    IF OBJECT_ID('expected') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE expected;

    -- Update DatabaseName, SchemaName & TableName to the appropriate names for the object that is to be tested
    SELECT Id, Text1, Text2, IsActive INTO actual
    FROM DatabaseName.SchemaName.TableName;

    -- Create a table with the expected data to test against the actual data warehouse table
    CREATE TABLE expected (
        ,Text1 VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL
        ,Text2 CHAR(4) NULL
        ,IsActive BIT NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO expected (Id, Text1, Text2, IsActive)
    VALUES (0, 'Unknown', NULL, 1)
        ,(1, 'The first text', '0001', 1) 
        ,(2, 'Some other text', '1234', 1);

    EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable 
        @Expected = 'expected',
        @Actual = 'actual';


See Misusing tSQLt for more info.

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