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Misusing tSQLt: test that indexes exist

The following tSQLt test checks that all the indexes exist & are enabled as expected:

CREATE PROCEDURE testSchema.[test that all indexes exist]

    IF OBJECT_ID('actual') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE actual;
    IF OBJECT_ID('expected') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE expected;

    CREATE TABLE actual (
        name SYSNAME NOT NULL
        ,type_desc NVARCHAR(60) NOT NULL
        ,is_disabled BIT NOT NULL
        ,table_name SYSNAME NOT NULL

    -- Update DatabaseName to the appropriate name for the data warehouse
    INSERT INTO actual (name, type_desc, is_disabled, table_name)
    SELECT, i.type_desc, i.is_disabled, AS table_name
    FROM DatabaseName.sys.indexes i
    INNER JOIN DatabaseName.sys.objects o
    ON i.object_id = o.object_id;

    -- Create a table with the expected index data to test against the actual sys.indexes table
    CREATE TABLE expected (
        name SYSNAME NOT NULL
        ,type_desc NVARCHAR(60) NOT NULL
        ,is_disabled BIT NOT NULL
        ,table_name SYSNAME NOT NULL

    INSERT INTO expected (name, type_desc, is_disabled, table_name)
    VALUES ('PK_dimDate', 'CLUSTERED', 0, 'dimDate')
        ,('IX_dimDate_Year', 'NONCLUSTERED', 0, 'dimDate');

    EXEC tSQLt.AssertEqualsTable 
        @Expected = 'expected',
        @Actual = 'actual';


See Misusing tSQLt for more info.


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