Aim: In my last blog post, I recorded a sample query for processing JSON in SQL Server so that I can refer back to it & tailor it to my needs when I need it in future. In this post, I’m going to repeat that exercise for XML.
I’ve downloaded a sample of XML from This short sample contains data nested at different levels, elements & attributes, & is therefore a useful starting point for my query as these are likely to occur in my real world data too. It can be helpful to format a sample of the XML so that it is properly indented (as below) to easily see what level each data value is at. This can be done via a number of online formatting tools or plugins for text editors like Notepad++.
First, declare a variable to hold the XML. Alternatively, the XML can be stored in a column in a table. As SQL Server has a built-in XML data type, it will help to validate our string.
DECLARE @xml XML = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<availability>in stock</availability>
<description>Charming sundress perfect for lunch out on the town.</description>
<price currency="USD">38.0</price>
<product_type>Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Dresses</product_type>
<sale_price currency="USD">25.0</sale_price>
<price currency="USD">3.0</price>
<shipping_weight unit="oz">1.3</shipping_weight>
<title>Cute Toddler Sundress</title>
The following query will process the data & can be amended for other similar datasets.
-- Prepare the XML document. See for details
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hdoc OUTPUT, @xml;
-- Because we are using SQL Server's built-in XML datatype, our variable does not need to be validated (unlike JSON)
SELECT [Details].[Brand]
FROM OPENXML(@hdoc, '/product')
[Brand] NVARCHAR(32) 'brand' -- top level
,[Description] NVARCHAR(64) 'description' -- top level
,[Price] DECIMAL(9, 6) 'price' -- top level
,[Currency] NCHAR(3) './price/@currency' -- attribute at top level
,[SalePrice] DECIMAL(9, 6) 'sale_price' -- top level
,[ShippingCurrency] NCHAR(3) './shipping/price/@currency' -- attribute one level down
,[ShippingCost] DECIMAL(9, 6) './shipping/price' -- one level down
,[ShippingCountry] NVARCHAR(32) './shipping/country' -- one level down
,[Title] NVARCHAR(32) 'title' -- top level
) AS [Details];
-- Remove the prepared XML document - see for details
EXEC sp_xml_removedocument @hdoc;
The output is the same as the JSON query from the last blog post:
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