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Parameterize OLEDB data connections in SSIS

In SQL Server Integration Services projects, it’s possible to parameterize OLEDB data connections so that a different Data Source (SQL Server) and Initial Catalog (Database) are used for different configurations. However, I always forget where to apply this parameterization especially for project-level connections.

First I create the project-level connection manager & project parameter, & add the parameter to the relevant configurations.

01_Project Parameter

02_Add Parameter to Configurations

Then, I need to parameterize the connection manager. I usually start by right-clicking the connection manager in the Solution Explorer only to find that there’s no parameterization option in that menu.

03_Solution Explorer

Instead, the correct place to apply parameterization is in the SSIS package (even for project-level connection managers!).


I pick the relevant Property (in this case, ConnectionString) and click “Use existing parameter”. Then I pick my project parameter from the list.


Once the project is saved, the connection manager in the package will have a little fx symbol next to it to indicate that it is parameterized.

06_fx Symbol

This parameterization is persisted in other packages within the same project.

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